Fortress Press

All That Is: A Naturalistic Faith for the Twenty-First Century

All That Is

A Naturalistic Faith for the Twenty-First Century

Arthur Peacocke (Author), Philip Clayton (Editor)


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During the last year of his life, Arthur Peacocke raced against time to formulate a final comprehensive overview of his "emergentist – naturalist – panentheist" perspective. A group of ten specialists in science-and-religion then composed commentaries and critiques of Peacocke's new "Essay in Interpretation." In the last weeks and months of his life, Peacocke drew together a final set of reflections on and replies to their chapters. Peacocke's "Nunc Dimittis," his final theological reflections in the days before his death, completes this volume.

Peacocke's brief sketch of how God and nature and humanity interrelate will prove a nascent classic in the field and a touchstone for further reflection. Led by editor Philip Clayton, respondents include: Nancey Murphy, Ann Pederson, Philip Hefner, John Polkinghorne, Karl E. Peters, Donald M. Braxton, Robert John Russell, Keith Ward, Christopher C. Knight, and Willem B. Drees.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800662271
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 236
  • Publication Date February 5, 2007